08 September 2008

The Treasure

When colour goes home into the eyes,
And lights that shine are shut again,
With dancing girls and sweet birds' cries
Behind the gateways of the brain;
And that no-place which gave them birth, shall close
The rainbow and the rose:—

Still may Time hold some golden space
Where I'll unpack that scented store
Of song and flower and sky and face,
And count, and touch, and turn them o'er,
Musing upon them: as a mother, who
Has watched her children all the rich day through,
Sits, quiet-handed, in the fading light,
When children sleep, ere night.

Rupert Brooke

Und ich frage mich immer noch, wie jemand einer vergangenen Inkarnatiom so verdammt ähnlich sehen kann...

Nach dem Gedicht des Tages noch ein alltime favourite.

You Are 100% Psychic

You are so very psychic.

But you already predicted that, didn't you?

You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.

You're very tapped into the world around you...

Just make sure to use your powers for good!

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hach jetzt hat mein Herz wieder kurz ausgesetzt bei dem Bild *seufz*

Der mit schwarzen Haaren und ich wäre dahin geschmolzen :)

Rowan hat gesagt…

Ja, dann wäre es eindeutig Louis. :)